Located on the Allaine

The Allaine is a tributary of the Doubs. It rises near Charmoille in the northern Jura and flows back into the Doubs near Valentigney in France. It is the main river of the Ajoie in the canton of Jura. The region around Buix is surrounded by rolling hills that flow into France in the west. It is a sparsely populated region that has been struggling with a large exodus since the tobacco industry began to decline. Some stately homes in Boncourt and the region still bear witness to the former wealth and economic importance of tobacco. It is a region where people know each other and respect each other. They are open and interested at the same time and gave us Zurich residents a warm welcome.
In Boncourt there is the “ Parc à Bison de Boncourt ” with the impressive animals that inspired our logo.

Die Bisons in Boncourt haben uns zum Logo inspiriert

Die Bisons in Boncourt haben uns zum Logo inspiriert